Firsly prepare the vegetables by washing and cutting them into small pieces.
Next, slice the chicken and place on a pan over a medium to high heat with a
small amount of coconut oil and cook for 5 minutes.
Add the vegetables to the pan and continue to stir.
Add the coconut cream, curry paste and water and cook for a further 10 minutes.
While the curry is cooking, add the cauliflower rice to a separate saucepan with
a small amount of coconut oil and cook for 2 minutes.
When the rice has softened, serve on a heated plate with the curry and season to
Firsly prepare the vegetables by washing and cutting them into small pieces.
Next, slice the chicken and place on a pan over a medium to high heat with a
small amount of coconut oil and cook for 5 minutes.
Add the vegetables to the pan and continue to stir.
Add the coconut cream, curry paste and water and cook for a further 10 minutes.
While the curry is cooking, add the cauliflower rice to a separate saucepan with
a small amount of coconut oil and cook for 2 minutes.
When the rice has softened, serve on a heated plate with the curry and season to