
Latest Pharmacy News Publication Features Article on RediCare’s Partnership with Roche

Jun 2021 -- An excellent article in this month’s Irish Pharmacy News on RediCare’s partnership with Roche. The article (see attached) outlined how a combination of Digital Therapeutics such as RediCare Control delivered in a pharmacy setting and using the Roche cobas® b101 instrument to measure lipids and HbA1c can be a real scaler in treating chronic conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes. RediCare is passionate about the role pharmacy can play in providing access to people who need trusted support to treat chronic health conditions.

Click here to view the article

About RediCare

RediCare is a digital therapeutics firm. With our core product RediCare ControlDTx patients are transforming their health across the spectrum of metabolic health. They are experiencing clinically significant reductions in Weight, HbA1c, Blood Pressure and improved Lipid profiles and PCOS remission. Many Type 2 Diabetic patients have reduced and eliminated their diabetes medications.

RediCare ControlDTx is creating a new normal in prescription digital therapeutics for treating cardiometabolic diseases. We envision a new way to treat diseases like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease by targeting the root cause, not just the effects, using prescription digital therapeutics to deliver personalized clinically validated lifestyle therapy.

RediCare partners with primary care practices in the UK and Ireland and serves over 140 corporate clients with chronic disease screening and management services.