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Lifestyle Behaviours
Lifestyle Behaviours
Lifestyle Behaviours Overview (0:13)
Exercise: Why Most Exercises Do Not Help You Lose Weight (1:06)
Exercise: Exercising for Better Blood Sugar Control (1:03)
Exercise: How Resistance Training Can Speed up Your Metabolism (1:01)
Exercise: Summary of Key Points (0:56)
Sleep: The Importance of Sleep (1:04)
Sleep: How Sleep Helps you Lose Weight (1:02)
Sleep: How Good Sleep Habits Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Diseases (1:07)
Sleep: Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine (1:13)
TRE: What is Time Restricted Eating (1:08)
TRE: The Benefits of Time Restricted Eating (1:07)
TRE: Building your Optimised Eating Window (1:14)
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