Slow Roasted Granola


Slow Roasted Granola

Serves 10:

  • Nutritional info per serving:
    • Carbs:                    9 grams
    • Fats :                     29 grams
    • Protein:                  8 grams
    • Prep time:           10 minutes
    • Cooking time:       3 hours


    • 175 grams of pumpkin seeds
    • 100 grams hazelnuts
    • 200 grams of pecans
    • 200 grams of brazil nuts
    • 100 grams of cashews
    • 100 grams of coconut pieces
    • 2 tbsp of vanilla extract
    • 2 tsp of cinnamon
    • 5 heaped tablespoons of coconut oil
    • ½ cup Xylitol


    1. Place nuts in blender and blitz for 10 seconds or so, alternatively wrap in a towel and smash with rolling pin
    2. Heat the coconut oil in a pan over a very low heat and once melted add in the cinnamon vanilla extract and xylitol
    3. Add the nut mix into a large bowl with the coconut pieces and pour the coconut oil mix over the nut mix and stir well ensuring even cover of oil and spice mix
    1. Line 2 baking trays with parchment paper and cover trays evenly with the mixture
    2. Bake for 3 hours at 100 C with the oven door slightly open to release any steam. Turn over after each hour
    3. Granola should be light and crunchy Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Serve with Greek yoghurt

    Slow Roasted Granola

    Serves 10:

  • Nutritional info per serving:
    • Carbs:                    9 grams
    • Fats :                     29 grams
    • Protein:                  8 grams
    • Prep time:           10 minutes
    • Cooking time:      3 hours


    • 175 grams of pumpkin seeds
    • 100 grams hazelnuts
    • 200 grams of pecans
    • 200 grams of brazil nuts
    • 100 grams of cashews
    • 100 grams of coconut pieces
    • 2 tbsp of vanilla extract
    • 2 tsp of cinnamon
    • 5 heaped tablespoons of coconut oil
    • ½ cup Xylitol


    1. Place nuts in blender and blitz for 10 seconds or so, alternatively wrap in a towel and smash with rolling pin
    2. Heat the coconut oil in a pan over a very low heat and once melted add in the cinnamon vanilla extract and xylitol
    3. Add the nut mix into a large bowl with the coconut pieces and pour the coconut oil mix over the nut mix and stir well ensuring even cover of oil and spice mix
    1. Line 2 baking trays with parchment paper and cover trays evenly with the mixture
    2. Bake for 3 hours at 100 C with the oven door slightly open to release any steam. Turn over after each hour
    3. Granola should be light and crunchy Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Serve with Greek yoghurt