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How RediCare Control, a digital therapeutic and supporting clinical service, using an optimised dietary approach to naturally trigger increased GLP-1 responses to illicit sustainable weight loss and improved blood glucose control and as a result improve overall metabolic health.


Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes are global health concerns, clinically validated lifestyle interventions which emphasise whole food dietary protocols, specifically low-carbohydrate, higher protein (LCHP dietary interventions) such as those implemented by RediCare Control have shown promise in obesity management (1 2,3,4,8,9,10)

RediCare Control achieves clinically significant outcomes by a mechanism of generating natural increased GLP-1 hormonal responses similar to those from synthetic Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) i.e. drugs.

This paper explores the mechanisms through which naturally increased GLP-1 hormonal responses can be triggered via well implemented lifestyle interventions incorporating LCHP diets, the clinical outcomes that can be achieved across the spectrum of metabolic health and the tolerability and sustainability of such interventions.


Obesity is a complex condition influenced by genetic, environmental, and behavioural factors. Lifestyle therapy is a first line treatment for patients with obesity and metabolic disorders (16). While caloric restriction is effective for weight loss in the short term, it often leads to increased hunger and reduced satiety, resulting in weight regain. Recent studies indicate that well implemented LCHP diets may play a significant role in long-term weight management and improved metabolic health by optimising satiety by triggering natural increases in GLP-1. (2,3,4,7,10)


Let us examine first, what is a GLP-1? GLP-1 stands for glucagon-like peptide-1, which is a peptide hormone involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels. This type of drug therapy is showing effectiveness and is now becoming mainstream in the treatment of both Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity. (15) GLP-1 is produced naturally in the intestine, specifically in the L cells of the small intestine and the cells of the pancreas. GLP-1 plays a crucial role in glucose homeostasis and has several effects on the body, including:

Stimulation of Insulin Release: GLP-1 enhances the secretion of insulin from the pancreas in response to elevated blood glucose levels. Insulin is a hormone that helps cells take up glucose from the bloodstream, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Inhibition of Glucagon Release: GLP-1 suppresses the release of glucagon, another hormone produced by the pancreas. Glucagon increases blood sugar levels by promoting the release of glucose from the liver.

Slowing Gastric Emptying: GLP-1 slows down the emptying of the stomach, leading to a more gradual absorption of nutrients, including glucose, from the digestive tract. This helps in controlling post-meal blood sugar levels.

Appetite Regulation: GLP-1 receptors are found in various parts of the brain, including areas associated with appetite control, including the hypothalamus. When GLP-1 or its synthetic analogues from medications bind to these receptors, it can trigger signals that reduce appetite. This effect contributes to weight loss in some individuals. (14)

Because of GLP-1's role in glucose regulation and appetite control, synthetic GLP-1 receptor agonists were developed by drug companies to mimic the actions of natural GLP-1s to improve blood sugar control and more recently as a drug to assist weight loss. (15)

Mechanism of Action:

LCHP diets are associated with certain physiological effects, including an increase in the release of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). By amplifying GLP-1 hormonal responses, LCHP diets modulate the secretion of appetite regulating hormones. 6,9 The higher protein content in these diets reduces the secretion of ghrelin, commonly known as the 'hunger hormone,' while increasing levels of peptide YY (PYY) and GLP-1, i.e. the hormones associated with satiety. 12,13 This natural protein-induced hormonal response leads to a sustained reduction in hunger with the resulting caloric intake eliciting sustainable weight loss.

From a patient perspective, weight loss through RediCare Control diverges from conventional methods, bypassing the burden of counting calories and intentionally reducing portion sizes. The intervention concentrates on optimising hormonal responses through a diet rich in whole foods and adequate protein intake, this strategy naturally regulates appetite. The emphasis on whole foods and the resulting increase in ghrelin and boosting of GLP-1 creates a sense of fullness and enables sustainable and accelerated weight loss.

This approach allows patients to enjoy the recommended foods without restriction and still lose weight without feeling deprived or hungry.

Figure 1 illustrates the effect on the hunger hormone ghrelin over time when eating protein and healthy fats versus refined carbohydrates. 5 There can be a 30% differential in hunger levels within 350 minutes between a patient eating refined carbohydrates versus a patient eating a balanced diet of protein and healthy fats. This is significant in term of sustainability, as weight gain and relapses occur when individuals are feeling constantly hungry, which leads to increased frequency of eating, invariably of sub optimal foods such as more refined carbohydrates.


Regulating Blood Glucose Levels:

Whole food diets also have a positive impact on blood glucose regulation. Carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates have a negative effect on blood glucose levels. Reducing carbohydrate intake lowers postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses quickly, resulting in lower HbA1c. Improved glycaemic control is particularly beneficial for individuals with Type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, conditions often associated with obesity.




RediCare Control puts a strong emphasis on sustainability and prioritises patient education on the root cause of their condition, the core elements of the education and sustainability are as follows:

Educational Resources: The program provides an array of resources including; 300 x short health educational videos, meal plans, shopping lists, and informative food guides. These materials educate and empower patients to make healthier lifestyle choices without feeling restricted.

Tailored Support: Patients engaged in RediCare Control benefit from personalised, one-on-one video coaching sessions. This individualised approach ensures customised guidance aligned with each patient's unique health goals.

Insights from Professionals: Weekly Health webinars, led by experienced doctors and health care professionals, offer valuable insights into lifestyle modifications, nutritional science, and practical advice to support patients throughout their health journey.

Accessible Online Platform: RediCare Control enables access to clinically validated, referenced health education video content which is designed to be understood by adults with a reading age of 12 years old.


Results in various cohorts, including patients with Type 2, obesity, and hypertension in a variety of settings are similar and show reproducible effect, cost effectiveness and scalability across the spectrum of metabolic risk factors. These results have been presented at several international medical meetings.




A well implemented, clinically supported lifestyle intervention with an emphasis on low carbohydrate, higher protein dietary protocol (LCHP) naturally increases GLP-1, which enhances satiety and reduces hunger, resulting in sustainable weight loss, reduced HbA1c and improved metabolic health.

Lifestyle interventions such as RediCare Control may be additive when used prior to, as an adjunct to or after GLP1 treatment.


About RediCare Control:

RediCare Control is a digital therapeutic and supporting clinical service designed to treat and prevent chronic conditions such as High Blood Pressure, Pre-Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Obesity and Overweight conditions. By deeply integrating RediCare Control into primary care workflows, clinics can overcome the challenges of delivering this type of therapy class by offering the service as an adjunct to usual care and within the enhanced access working hours. The flexibility of consultation times and the digital delivery of this type of service enables more patients to engage in lifestyle therapy as a first line treatment for obesity and metabolic diseases.



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